12:12 Gateway12-12 Gateway Awaits your Arrival to Activate all LIGHT PARTICLES

We Gather in ONENESS on this Sacred 12-12 GATEWAY to Welcome All Awakening Souls who are Activating and Whispering to their IAM ESSENCE IAM a new Consciousness of Infinite LOVE ♥

COME As ONE and bring another with you to honor ONENESS

Location: Scarborough Civic Centre, Council Chambers,
150 Borough Drive, M1P 4N7
(Free parking in “Staff” parking lot, located east of Civic Centre.
Enter from Town Centre Court and press buzzer to open gate.)
Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2015
Time: Gather in STILLNESS for 10:00am


R.S.V.P to contact@iaminfiniteall.com

Inquiries: info@norawalksinspirit.com