

BlogTalk Radio – Telepathic Tuesday

Join me each month for Telepathic Tuesday (FREE Event),  A wonderful message from the Masters who have been Walking In Spirit with ME for so many years.

Quantum Conversations

Top Consciousness podcast Quantum Conversations are brought you by Lauren Galey to Empower & Inspire during these times of Great Shift. Join us for consciousness-expanding conversations, centered in the Heart, and focused on creating New Earth. We are New Earth!  December 8, 3Pm EST.

Soul Talk

Create the shifts you have been asking for. Release old patterns, thoughts,& beliefs that are no longer serving you. Experiencing live readings, session work healing, clearings,& energy transmissions from some of the most cutting edge Transformation Workers, Intuitives, Thought Leaders & Healers in our time.

June 22, 2PM PST/5 PM EST

Wisdom of the Ancients

Come bathe in the energy of our hand-selected guest teachers and masters who share their Divinely appointed gifts with you, so that you may reclaim your power as a Sovereign Being of Light! Gather with us as we celebrate your inherent Divinity!

February 4 at  4PM EST

Mundane to

Bringing you Transmissions, Wisdom, Guidance and Activations during each light-encoded video conversation to assist you to take that leap and reconnect with the magic inside of you, to shift your life back, from the ‘Mundane’ to the ‘Magical’.