Sit in Stillness 10 minutes every day until the Solstice.
Ignite your flame through the gathering of the Consciousness Energies of Intelligence of those Beings that are Monitoring you, Bathing you, Caressing you, Sealing you.

Let them enter through the left, into the Heart.
Ground that Frequency in the Navel Portal.

Bring it through the Spine, up to the Third eye, Throat and heighten it,
Become that Flame, while holding into Gaia, you are sitting STILL.
Now you are Becoming Aware of the Energies within – of the fluidity,
the Water, of the Ether, the Fire, the Earth within.

You hold that of those Elements and of the Above and Below Consciousness Frequencies within your Frequencies and you are in Stillness to these Energies.

No other thought forms, no attachments;
You are simply Stillness, Alignment and receiving Energies of Consciousness.
You are Igniting your Flame of Mastery.

Ten minutes every day, any time you so choose. And be Obedient; when They arrive, it may be Their timing that They wish to Enter, House you, Teach you, Heal you, Enlighten you, Awaken you to an Infinite Consciousness Unlimited.
You will not be feeling any of your body, so you must be STILL. It is not a Conscious Awareness, for it is an Energetic Intelligent Consciousness operating the body.

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